Home TECHNOLOGY Dedicated Server Applications For Enterprise Companies

Dedicated Server Applications For Enterprise Companies

The best dedicated servers support both large and small businesses with reliable hosting infrastructure and online security. Whether you need to set up a website hosting solution for your company or you’re playing an online video game, a dedicated server brings 24/7 access to your digital work. For enterprise companies, there are significant benefits to working with one or more dedicated servers and several use cases where they might be valuable for your overhead operations. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the critical applications for dedicated servers, how to set up the infrastructure, and what you should expect from a cloud services provider.

What Are Dedicated Servers?

First, let’s begin with the basics. A dedicated server is a computer set aside for hosting that a company, individual, or other organization can purchase for their hosting projects. The provider company manages or operates the server itself, which ensures its virtual and physical security and keeps it running around the clock. However, the hardware, and all of the computing resources that come with it, are reserved for the hosting purposes of the purchasing end user.

Website hosting for large businesses and other cloud computing operations require significant memory, storage, and CPU. If your company already has a physical server, then there’s likely someone in your organization who’s responsible for maintaining and updating the hardware so that it continues to operate at optimal performance and efficiency levels. These hardware improvements alone can cost the business significant amounts of money. Dedicated servers offer every enterprise business access to top-of-the-line computing products. All your company needs to do is pay for the server infrastructure on a monthly or annual basis.

Enterprise Applications for Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers are accessible, high-performance machines that offer a variety of business applications. The format of the dedicated server allows the purchasing entity to customize and control the server’s functions to match the requirements of the business. The hardware’s scalability and the reliability of the security protocols make dedicated servers the hosting solution of choice for many enterprises. Here are a few of the primary applications for which you might want to consider one of these products.

Website Hosting

To keep up with high traffic and click-through on your website, you’ll need a reliable hosting solution with high-quality hardware that can easily manage intensive computing loads. Depending on the type of company you work for, you may have hundreds if not thousands of users on your website at once. In these situations, standard computers for hosting simply won’t cut it.

Cloud infrastructure providers have the computing tools you need to succeed. Your website won’t experience any downtime, and you can worry significantly less about page speed. For eCommerce providers, a dedicated server is a must-have support because a slow site can directly affect the company’s conversion rate. All of your data, along with the physical hardware you’re operating with, is housed in a high-security data center.

Private Video Hosting

Video files require extensive bandwidth for streaming, particularly if they’re in a 4K resolution format. For videos intended for public accessibility, you can also turn to online platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, which can easily integrate with your website. However, you may want to consider a dedicated server for private video hosting. For files that cover your internal processes, such as training videos or standard operating procedure documentation, a dedicated server allows everyone in your organization access without any data security risks. If your enterprise company sells paid media, you may also need a dedicated server for video hosting.

Hot Data Storage

For secure file storage that isn’t on an inaccessible cold storage hard drive, you want to consider a dedicated server. Cold data storage is a good option for businesses that need to keep compliance records or other legal information on hand, but its uses are somewhat limited. For files that employees in your organization need to access all the time, hot storage might be the perfect hosting solution. High-speed data storage doesn’t carry any traffic limitations and offers significant bandwidth and memory capacity. Hot storage is often a suitable solution for files accessible through your company’s internal network.

What to Look for in a Dedicated Server

Enterprise companies should look for dedicated servers that offer the maximum computing power to ensure their website and internal network are set up with future-proof hardware. Regardless of your industry and corporate funding, dedicated servers are almost always more cost-effective than maintaining your own hosting infrastructure.

High-grade servers, optimized for critical uses and intensive workloads, are usually the product that will benefit your company the most. However, prices vary significantly, ranging anywhere from 800 to 4,000 USD. The cause of these substantial prices differences lies in the product’s fine print.

The processor for your dedicated server should be an Intel Xeon Gold or similar, with system storage that offers at least 2 Terabytes of NVMe SSD storage. The memory should start around 100GB and scale upwards depending on the computing requirements of your business. You may also want to investigate AMD Ryzen options over Intel for better multi-core performance. Almost all dedicated servers are customizable, allowing the purchasing entity to configure everything from storage capacity to data center location.

Finding a Reliable Cloud Services Provider

The right cloud services provider for your organization offers valuable, high-security cloud products that support the reliability and integrity of your business. Prices and availability should be transparent and easy to access. If you need to upgrade your server or purchase more dedicated hardware, your cloud infrastructure provider should be readily accessible. RAM, processors, and storage drives within the server should be a best-in-class product.

If your company needs additional cloud services or computing infrastructure, such as cold data storage, you should be able to find these offerings with the same provider as your dedicated server. By purchasing dedicated hosting solutions for your business, you’re investing in the quality of your company’s online presence and internal operations.

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