Home APPS 5 Advantages Of Doing Marketing By WhatsApp

5 Advantages Of Doing Marketing By WhatsApp

The role of WhatsApp when it comes to promoting a company’s products and services is growing. In a world where we are all hyper-connected and spend long hours chatting from our devices, there is also an important place for companies. For this reason, we want to tell you 5 advantages of doing WhatsApp marketing.

5 Advantages of doing Marketing by WhatsApp

To finish convincing you to use this tool for more than just sending messages, photos and audio, we are going to tell you 5 advantages of doing WhatsApp marketing.

You will get a direct relationship with your potential and current customers

Of course, they must have your number saved so you can communicate with them. For this reason, we remind you once again that you take the opportunity to communicate the telephone number whenever you can. In addition, it will allow you to have a good database because the fact that they save the company’s number means that they “accept that you save theirs” and you will be able to segment and create more accurate campaigns.

You will give a high visibility of the campaign

Of course, they must have your number saved so you can communicate with them. For this reason, we remind you once again that you take the opportunity to communicate with the telephone number whenever you can. In addition, it will allow you to have a good database because the fact that they save the company’s number means that they “accept that you save theirs” and you will be able to segment and create more accurate campaigns.

WhatsApp is one of the most frequently consulted social networks, when a message arrives it doesn’t take us long to look at it, at least who has written to us. This means that the advertising sent is seen more than on other social networks, as long as it is not too intrusive.

You will get better sales thanks to the fact that it is a conversational tool

This is directly related to the previous point, as it is a communication tool that we usually use to talk, not simply observe, it enjoys an acceptance that makes the sale possible.

Good benefits with low marketing investment

Advertising on WhatsApp (like all social media) does not require expensive or elaborate resources to launch campaigns. Creativity is the best resource.

Multiple advertising formats

Statuses, attachments, messages, etc. There are multiple modes depending on what needs to be communicated and all of them are consumed almost immediately. Also remember that you can set up campaigns through Facebook.

Therefore, download the WhatsApp Business version, complete your company profile, start getting contacts (in a consensual way, be careful not to send advertising communications without consent) and plan what to tell them.

Also Read: WhatsApp Messenger APK – What’s Behind The Android App

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