Home BUSINESS Digital Transformation Of Companies: How To Remove The Last Brakes?

Digital Transformation Of Companies: How To Remove The Last Brakes?

Digitization is even completely set aside for 5% of decision-makers who consider it a threat. Reluctance that has every interest in disappearing for the sustainability of the company.

Digital, threat or ally?

One of the main obstacles to the digital transformation of a company remains the perception of digital, still too often considered a threat . A particularly widespread fear among merchants, 54%** of whom consider digital as a competitor to physical channels . This is also true among medium-sized companies (ETI) which are 49% to perceive it as such.

However, digital is indeed an ally for business growth . Proof through experience: 86% of merchants, for example, have seen an increase in their sales following the implementation of an omnichannel strategy.

Lack of time and money: the response by the organization

For all companies that no longer consider digital as a threat, there are still several obstacles preventing their digital transformation . At the top are the lack of time (54% of respondents) and the costs generated by such a project (49%). But leaders are increasingly aware of the importance of allocating resources (human and financial) to digital transformation to ensure its success. 76% of companies have set up a dedicated team, including 91% of medium-sized companies, ready to work for three to five years (commitment period generally required) on this project.

To finance these teams, there are several possibilities: either the company anticipated the question and was able to make reserves to support the conduct of this project over the long term, or it can resort to external financing. For example, it is possible to use crowdfunding to borrow for short periods or turn to institutions such as banks or BpiFrance.

Negative point, on the other hand, far too many still work in silos, that is to say in their corner, without any bridge with the other departments of the company. Only a third of the teams dedicated to digital transformation have links with other employees . However, it is the company as a whole that is concerned here: not only marketing and communication, which generally pilot the project with information systems (IS), but also legal, financial, human resources.

Uncontrolled risks, unless accompanied

The digitization of companies is also hampered by a lack of knowledge of these subjects. The complexity of implementation, the lack of training and internal skills are highlighted by 34% and 33% of managers and decision-makers respectively. The issue of data security, and in particular the respect of customers’ personal data, is also gaining momentum. While it was cited as a brake by 31% of companies in 2017, it affects 33% of them two years later, in 2019.

In other words, digital transformation is perceived as risky for a large part of companies. A completely rational fear in view of what the transition to digital entails. Generally, this induces new uses, new modes of organization and very often, an upheaval in the very culture of the company .

This is why being accompanied by digital transformation professionals can have several advantages. In addition to providing an expert and outside view, this allows managers to reassure themselves and thus limit the risks inherent in any project of such scope. Especially since in view of the targeted benefits, the game is worth the candle.

Also Read: Sustainable Success: Three Advantages Of A Smart Digital Transformation

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