Home BUSINESS The Importance Of Digital Skills In Job Search

The Importance Of Digital Skills In Job Search

What are digital skills

It is a reality that the labor market has been affected by digitization and the incorporation of new technologies into current work methods and processes. This has meant a modification and transformation of the labor reality, thus generating a need to adapt skills, abilities and professional profiles to the needs of companies.

Digital skills are those skills, both soft skills and hard skills, related to the cultural transformation and digitization of an organization and that not only improve processes but also favor the achievement of the company’s objectives. The optimization and selection of digital tools based on the objective we pursue is where the key to success lies.

In addition to promoting the creation of more competitive and modern companies, digital skills help increase the productivity of the organization. Thanks to the application of technology at work, we can obtain information in real time and this allows us to correct possible errors that may arise in a more agile way and improve and anticipate decision-making.

Most important digital skills in any job

In this context, it is essential to have the necessary skills to face this transformation. But digital competence does not only consist in knowing how to use conventional digital tools, but also in making critical, safe and creative use of new technologies and discovering the opportunities they offer us.

Technology is not a tool, it is an environment in which you have to know how to move, and that is a totally transversal competence that will allow you to overcome all the challenges that arise in your current or future job, improve your employability, reinforce your learning , and even perform better in any daily management, increasingly digital. Some of the most important and demanded digital skills are cybersecurity, in order to reduce risks and ensure the security of information stored on any company device or information management, knowing how to search and find information that adds value to the company through the network and also, not only search or find, but also be able to generate information of interest.

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Examples of basic digital skills

Social Networks (RRSS) and Community Management (CM)

A Community Manager or CM is a digital marketing professional, being responsible for the management and development of a company’s online community within its digital environment.

Generating content, analyzing and monitoring what is said about it, maintaining a good relationship with the community and carrying out different marketing actions are the main tasks of this type of professional.

Email Marketing and Viral Marketing

Many companies are still unaware of all the benefits that email marketing provides for business development. Although the advantages that social networks have in companies are undeniable in terms of communication, loyalty and strengthening of employer branding, it is also unquestionable that e-mail marketing can convert 3 times more customers.

Also, if you add to this the viralization of the content, either through networks or email, the reach of the campaign or content could be very successful. For this reason, having professionals specialized in this type of digital actions is essential to achieve your ultimate goal.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

How is augmented reality (AR) different from virtual reality (VR)? Augmented reality complements the real environment with digital objects; In other words, you see everything around you, but the device you have can play objects, animations or data that are not there. Instead, virtual reality allows you to fully immerse yourself in a virtual world, thus experiencing a complete sensory experience within an artificial environment.

This technology is not very widespread in organizations, so being a pioneer in its incorporation will add value to companies in the sector, allowing them to stand out from competitors.

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Big Data is a series of data sets that are larger and much more complex than conventional ones. These can be used to fix problems that could not have been dealt with by traditional processing software.

Until now, Big Data could be summarized as Volume, Velocity and Variety , but in recent years and from the evolution of its development, two more endings have appeared: Value and Veracity.

Today, the cost of storing and computing data is much lower, making the job of storing data easier and cheaper than ever. In other words, from a larger volume of cheaper and more accessible big data, companies can make more accurate and accurate decisions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) feeds from this processed information , which consists of the combination of algorithms whose purpose is the creation of an agent or machine that knows how to make the appropriate decisions based on the environment in which it develops its work.

Both concepts have a single objective: to improve the quality of life of citizens and business progress based on technological innovation. Thanks to them, strategic decisions can be made with more information and, therefore, less margin of error, thus ensuring greater viability of the actions.

From data management and AI, different functions can be carried out, such as measuring consumer behavior, promoting energy savings through solutions committed to the environment or improving security and customer service.

What is the digital mindset? The 6 essential attributes

The digital mindset is the digital mentality, it is not about knowledge of new technologies, but the predisposition and attitude to know how to function in them. A set of transversal skills that fall within the scope of soft skills.

  • Abundant mentality: In an environment of innovation and transformation, components such as collaboration, gratitude, teamwork and an attitude oriented towards sharing information are required.
  • Learning capacity: The desire to learn is the engine of the digital mentality, it seeks continuous improvement, detecting new opportunities, seeing new tools and ways of working. Ask yourself questions and share your learnings!
  • Comfort in ambiguity: Change is the only fixed element, we live in an ambiguous environment, and you must know how to adapt to it, act and make decisions without fear, even if you do not have all the information. Dare to explore and improve as you go, without getting paralyzed.
  • Being an explorer: Having that concern to investigate and discover new tools and technologies is closely linked to the two previous characteristics. It is about not staying only with what you must do and with what is stipulated, but always going one step further.
  • Collaborative approach: In an innovation environment there can be no “I” without a “we”. Collaboration is key and it is only possible to move forward hand in hand with a solid team, capable of dealing with the complexity of change. A person with a true digital mindset knows how to work with people from different backgrounds. The new digital environments of companies make it possible to build bridges between different areas, which is why it is necessary for the different professionals to understand each other and shake hands.
  • Flexible mentality: Embrace diversity, question your most deeply-rooted ideas, break down prejudices… Being flexible will help you improve your ability to adapt, to have a much more open-mindedness to change and to new circumstances that may arise.

Also Read: The Most In-demand Skills In 2022

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