Home BUSINESS Cyber Threats Against Business Environments: An Approach Guide For The Entrepreneur

Cyber Threats Against Business Environments: An Approach Guide For The Entrepreneur

From confidential information, through bank details, to the internal systems of the organization. There are many assets of companies that cybercriminals can target. In addition, they do not discriminate in the size of their objectives since they attack both large companies and SMEs or freelancers. Therefore, and to avoid suffering a security incident that could affect the continuity of companies, it is vital to know what the main fraudulent techniques are used, how to prevent them and what to do if you have been a victim of one of them.

What can we find in this guide?

This guide is made up of four sections that provide enough knowledge to avoid falling into the hands of cybercriminals:

  • Social engineering and email, the basis of most security incidents: The vast majority of security incidents that affect companies have these two factors in common: email and communications that use different social engineering techniques. Learning to identify these types of fraudulent communications will be key to reducing the possibility of suffering a security incident.
  • Major fraud and cyber threats: From information leaks to supplier spoofing attacks, the cyber threats and fraud that can affect companies and freelancers are wide and varied. Therefore, knowing what they are, how to identify them and what to do in the event of one of these security incidents is very important so that business continuity is not affected.
  • Decalogue of safety recommendations: main safety recommendations to be taken into account by all employees.
  • References: links where the information is expanded to provide an extra to the indicated content.

Know the essentials of phishing attacks

Phishing-type attacks are one of the main types of fraud carried out by cybercriminals. With relatively little effort, they can obtain a large amount of confidential information from many users.

To learn how to identify phishing-type attacks and avoid compromising situations, this topic deals with the following questions:

  • What is phishing?: Description of the mechanics of this type of attack, main communication channels used by cybercriminals and descriptive examples of the threat.
  • How to identify a phishing campaign?: sender, spelling, context, links, etc. All the key points to take into account to identify this type of fraudulent campaign.
  • The importance of the human factor: Employees are the ones who manage the company’s tools, such as email, messaging applications, etc., and, therefore, the potential victims. For this reason, training employees with the necessary knowledge to detect and avoid this type of fraud is crucial.
  • Anti Phishing training: One of the best ways to learn about any subject is to train, so we put at your disposal a tool to train your employees with real phishing campaigns without putting the information at risk.

By following the cybersecurity recommendations indicated in the Phishing Topics section, you will keep the company’s security safe and avoid incidents that may affect its continuity.

Also Read: Updating Cybersecurity In Companies Is A Priority

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